Book Review And More Quilts From Houston

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It’s been a while since I have written a book review.  I just finished this Scott Turow book called “Innocent”.  I’ve been listening to it while I am doing some applique on a new quilt project.  I enjoyed listening to this book while sewing.  This book is a sequel to another of Scott Turow’s books:  “Presumed Innocent” but if you did not read the first one you will be just fine reading this book.  The story starts with Rusty Sabich, who is now a judge, and acting prosecuting attorney Tommy Molto in another courtroom battle.  Twenty years after the two battled in a murder trial they are back at it again, with the judge being accused of murder again.  This time he is accused or murdering his wife.  The judge waited a day before telling anyone of his wife’s death…which lead to a lot of questions.  And the judge had an affair….which added to the intrigue.  Great book.  Certainly worth reading.


More quilts from Houston. This quilt is called “Little Girl and Dog”.  It was made by Hiroko Miyama from Japan.  I believe I shared another one of her quilts in a recent blog.  The little girl in the quilt is her granddaughter.

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“A World of Many Colors” won an honorable mention in the Innovative Applique category.  It was made by Georgeta Groma from Romania.  Fun design and use of color. Wow!

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“The Twelve Days of Christmas” won third place in the Innovative Applique category.  The amount of applique work on this quilt is very impressive.  The maker is Osami Gonohe from Japan.

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Here is a close-up shot so you can see just a small amount of the work.  Again, impressive.  The pieces were very tiny.

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“Dreamtime” won first place in the Innovative Applique category.  It was made by Antonia Hering from The Netherlands.

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Here is a close-up shot.  You all know how much I love circles….

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Another close-up.  OK, now that’s a lot of circles.  Awesome.

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Diane Loomis from Sudbury, Mass. won second place in the Merit Quilting by Machine category for “Five Bar Blues”.  You can see a better photo and find out more about Diane on her website

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What appears to be a basic Amish style quilt certainly is not so basic when you look close.

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That’s all for this week.  I hope you enjoyed your holiday season and I wish you all a very

Happy New Year!!! 

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