Quilts From Road to California, Students Work,Book Review and Happy Birthday Sasha!

There were lots of incredible quilts on display at the Road to California show.  I would like to share some of my favorites.

Denise Havlan won one of the top prizes with her quilt “The Pieceful Ones”.  Denise won the Masterpiece award.  You can find out more about Denise and her amazing quilts on her website http://www.denisehavlan.com

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“Roman Tiles” was made by Ann Peterson from Surprise, Arizona.  Ann won a top award……Excellence in Machine Quilting.

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“Soffito de San Marco” was made by Laurie Tigner from Rapid City, South Dakota.

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Marilyn Badger won two prizes at this show.  For “Euphoria” she won 1st place in the traditional large pieced category.

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“Tucker’s Tulips” was made by Susan Garman from Friendswood, Texas.

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You can find out more about Susan at http://suegarman.blogspot.com

Here is a close-up of her quilt.  Fabulous quilting.

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“Borrowed Roses” was made by Jerrianne Evans and quilted by Cynthia Clark.  It is a pattern from Susan Garman.  Susan was well represented in this show.

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“Bed of Roses” was also made by Susan Garman.  She won 2nd place in the traditional large applique category.

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“Respite” was made by Linda Anderson from La Mesa, CA.

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One of my students at Road to California brought her finished piece from the workshop I taught there ten years ago.  I apologize for not having the student’s name.  If anyone knows the maker please email me and I will add it to the blog. (I lost my note with the maker’s name. )   The block looks great! Great texture on the butterfly wings, great circles and great point.  Like I said, a wonderful block.

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At the recommendation of some blog readers and students I read “The Kitchen House” by Kathleen Frisson.

The Kitchen House

I started it on my flight to California and finished it today.  It was a hard book to put down.  I wanted to keep reading but, well, life gets in the way sometimes.  Lavinia, a white servant girl, is brought home by the ships captain to his tobacco plantation.  She is raised by the captains illegitimate (slave) daughter who runs the kitchen for the main house.   Being raised by the servants creates bonds but because Lavinia is white she will lead a different life.  The story is told through the eyes of Lavinia and Belle.  As I mentioned, the book was hard to put down.  My only complaint….I wanted more at the end of the book.  It seemed to end abruptly.  But, I still thought it was a very good read.


Today is my oldest girl’s 14th birthday.  I feel very lucky to have her in my life.  I tell her every day how much I love her. 


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I’ll have more quilts from the Road to California show to share next week.  Have a great week.

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